Sunday, July 27, 2014

Samantha says hello!

I think we all know that person who always has big plans. They are just about to start x, y, and z. When the stars align, when school is out, when they have a little less going on. When the weather is just right and their face clears up. Man oh, man watch out. They're doing big things, just you wait. So you do. And they may start but they just never seem to follow through.

That person is me. I might actually be the worst person ever with this. It's bad, you guys.

I have all these ideas buzzing around all the time. And I do get busy. School, work, life. Whatever, it's Netflix and we all know it.

But I have passions. Right now I'm making the decision to further my passion for all things beauty. I want to learn new things and show others different ways to make themselves feel beautiful. I know that it is easy to feel insecure, like you have less worth than others for any number of reasons. The reason I have always loved makeup is that it is a way to build self confidence. Helping someone overcome a feeling of negativity towards themselves by feeling creative, accomplished, and a little bit daring is what I wish to one day do every single day. Until then, I try to help myself with these things daily, and grab hold of anyone who wants to play! I'll post a few pictures of past looks below since this is going to be a 'beauty blog.'

Now to come up with posting ideas!

...let me know what you'd like to read about/look at in relation to beauty and fashion products and looks!
 Before and after, not sure where the romantic candlelight came from but all my posts are non-filtered unless stated otherwise!

This is my, ahhhh I finally get to play with my Urban Decay Electric palette! 

Red (oops actually), white, and blue. On July 7th because I do what I want.

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